Protocol Documentation

Table of Contents




Information about accessibility, inclusion and disabilities

who_welcome string optional

Are children with disabilities welcome or not, things you need to know, ...

what_we_do string optional

What this organisation does to help children with disabilities and special needs

organisations_we_work_with string optional

Organisations that the playground partnered with or works together with

who_to_contact string optional

Details of who can be contacted with questions about accessibility or inclusion




Details on upcoming events, programme, etc.

closed_on Calendar.ClosedOnEntry repeated

Days on which the playground is closed. Key: ISO 8061 date (e.g. "2022-04-26"), value: reason (e.g. "National holiday")

programme string optional

Programme for the upcoming holiday(s), detailing themes, special activities, ...

next_year_dates string optional

Dates, holidays and periods the playground will be open next year


key string optional

value string optional




Contact information for a playground

postal_address string optional

Postal address people would use if they wanted to send letters or documents Not necessarily the location of the playground

email string optional

Email address of the playground

phone_number string optional

Phone number of the playground

facebook_url string optional

URL of the Facebook page of this playground

instagram_handle string optional

Instagram handle of the Instagram account of this playground, without leading '@'




Information on crew and crew members of a playground

members CrewMember repeated

Crew members of a playground

for_prospective_volunteers string optional

Information for prospective volunteers. What is a “speelpleinwerking”? Why would I join one? Who can I contact? How old do I need to be? Do I need a certificate of any kind?


name string required

The full name of this crew member

description string optional

Extra information on this crew member, such as duties, ...

photo_url string optional

Photo of this crew member

email_address string optional

Email address of this crew member Warning: public. This is meant for contact people of the playground

phone_number string optional

Phone number of this crew member Warning: public. This is meant for contact people of the playground




pricing Pricing required

Pricing information

age_groups string optional

Are there age groups? If yes, why, how are they divided, is it possible to skip ahead so my child can be with her friends?

age_limits string optional

Is there a minimum age, maximum age? Any other organisations you can suggests for older children?

teenagers string optional

Is there a separate group for teenagers? What's the vision on teenagers on the playground?

open_or_closed string optional

Is there an "open aanbod" or "gesloten aanbod"? How does it work?

limit string optional

Is there a limit on the number of children? If yes, where can I see how many places are left?

first_time string optional

Do I have to register my children beforehand? Is there anything special about the first time my children come?

timetable string optional

What a typical day looks like

organized_by string optional

If the playground is organised by the city or a private organisation




Parameters to show a Google Maps representation of an address

lat double required

Latitude of the location

lon double required

Longitude of the location

zoom int32 required

Zoom level for Google Maps


Playground location. One playground may have multiple locations if they switch locations.

description string required

Description of this address, e.g. "Our main location provides..."

street_and_number string optional

zip_code uint32 optional

city string optional

google_maps_parameters GoogleMapsParameters optional

Parameters for a Google Maps representation of this address

entrance_image_url string optional

URL of an image showing the entrance of this playground

floor_plan string optional

URL of an image showing the floor plan/map of this location

how_to_reach string optional

Is there (free) (street) parking? Bicycle parking? Public transport? How to find the entrance?




where_to_find_pictures string optional

Where to find pictures as a parent

pictures Picture repeated


url string required

Direct URL of the picture

caption string optional

Caption of the picture




mission_vision_text string optional

The vision and mission of the playground (as text)

mission_vision_url string optional

The vision and mission of the playground - link to a document (e.g. PDF)

legal_information string optional

Legal information of the playground, such as company number, registered office, ...

insurance_information string optional

Insurance information: what insurance does the playground have, what to do in case of damage

rules_text string optional

The rules of the playground (as text)

rules_url string optional

The rules of the playground - link to a document (e.g. PDF)




canonical_name string required

Canonical name of the playground - name with only lowercase and '-' characters

name string required

Full name of the playground

zip_code uint32 required

Postal code of the city the playground is in

logo_url string optional

Url of the logo of the playground (preferably svg or png)




details PlaygroundDetails required

general_information GeneralInformation required

calendar Calendar required

accessibility Accessibility required

location Location repeated

organisational_foundation OrganisationalFoundation required

crew Crew required

media Media required

contact Contact required




price_per_day string optional

Information on how much you need to per per day

extra_costs string optional

Information on extra costs, such as "You need to pay 5 euro the first time you come"

possible_discounts string optional

Possible discounts, such as "50% of for the second child"

help_with_paying_information string optional

Where can parents find information when they have difficulty paying? E.g. "Sociaal huis"

how_to_request_fiscal_certificate string optional

Information on how parents can request a fiscal certificate

how_to_request_health_insurance_certificate string optional

Information on how parents can request a health insurance certificate

Scalar Value Types

.proto TypeNotesC++ TypeJava TypePython Type
double double double float
float float float float
int32 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. int32 int int
int64 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. int64 long int/long
uint32 Uses variable-length encoding. uint32 int int/long
uint64 Uses variable-length encoding. uint64 long int/long
sint32 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. int32 int int
sint64 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. int64 long int/long
fixed32 Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. uint32 int int
fixed64 Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. uint64 long int/long
sfixed32 Always four bytes. int32 int int
sfixed64 Always eight bytes. int64 long int/long
bool bool boolean boolean
string A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. string String str/unicode
bytes May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. string ByteString str